ShelbyGuy Website Goals

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

Thank you for your visit to the ShelbyGuy website!

The goals for the ShelbyGuy website are to:

  • Share Shelby ownership experiences and enthusiasm with you

  • Inform and educate you about the distinct Shelby marque

  • Re-live some Shelby history

  • Provide unique details about Shelby automobiles, both visually and in text

  • Answer Shelby-related questions

These experiences, stories, and details are what you can expect whenever you visit ShelbyGuy. I trust that you will find content that is fresh and keeps you stopping by frequently. Updates are planned periodically, about one or two each month.

I'm also very eager for your comments, suggestions, questions, and feedback. Your thoughts and ideas are most welcome!

Lastly, I promise not to bug you with spam, or pester you with requests. Updates to the site are frequent, sometimes just tweaks you might not even notice. My communications to you, however, will be periodic. You always have the option to opt-out of any communications.

So there you have it, you Shelby-philes! Just remember, as they say in the news business:

“Stay at eleven!”

Best Regards,

John Saia

The ShelbyGuy
