Peninsula Center Car Show - August 2015

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

The PV Car Show, on the first Saturday of every month at Peninsula Center, was on

August 1st this year (who knew!).

Terrific weather, lots of cool cars, and great people...

We'll begin with a few photos of #2060, alongside a Hertz car (supercharged!), and surrounded by a bevy of other Mustangs.

In addition, there were a number of other interesting cars at the show: 1st up, a magnificent Allard! This stunning care also sounded the part!

The Allard was followed by a very unusual one-off called a "Hirsch" (named after the guy who designed and built it years ago). Only one was ever built. It uses a 289 Hi-Po. It's very Cobra-esque.

And a few other neat cars...a G.T. 350 Hertz, with supercharger.




THE Lexus Hotrod
