On Sunday, July 15th, 2018, the Absolution Brewing Company (Shelby Craft Beer + Beverages), Scholb Brewery, Shelby Cars, and Creative Photo Academy of Paul's Photo teamed up for the, wait for it... PhotoBrew Event! Both breweries are in Torrance, California, nearly adjacent to one another.

So just what is a "PhotoBrew XL"? It's a fun photo event that involves photography, beer (duh!), cool Shelby cars, models, and food. Participants are welcome to share their passion(s) for 'any-of-the-above'.
The idea is to bring your camera and/or try to test-drive' a variet of brand new Nikon camera bodies and lenses. In essence, make pictures and have fun! So does this look like fun?

With the help of the Los Angeles Shelby American Automobile Club (LASAAC), a number of the club members provided the cars. Both breweries, Absolution and Scholb, provided a wide variety of awesome beers. And each brewery had a food truck on-site for lunch, The Burger Shop at Absolution and Del's Fish Tacos at Scholb...both delicious!
ShelbyGuy arrived early with the Daytona Cobra Coupe. And one parking choice was parking inside the Scholb Brewery. Since it was hot and sunny, I chose inside along with Gary G.'s late-model Shelby Super Snake G.T. 500.

I'd say that's pretty good company!

Now, out and about outside the breweries with more cars...

Yeah, we even tolerated a new Ferrari!

And finally, a huge thank you to the sponsors: