What a stellar Sunday!
Helen and I were out cruising around Palos Verdes in the G.T. 350 on Sunday a week ago, stopping for photos in our favorite locations around the PV Peninsula.

The longer we were out and about the nicer the weather felt.

Downtown Los Angeles in the distance, just right of center...

This was the view of Catalina Island...

This little island is Santa Barbara Island, a bit more westerly than Catalina Island.

The view overlooking San Pedro, Angel's Gate, and the Port of Los Angeles with Long Beach in the distance. There were a number of ships at anchor awaiting entry to the port.

Looking closely left in the distance is Santa Barbara Island, and to the right is Point Mugu, well north of Malibu.

Malibu center and the Santa Monica Mountains in the distance.

Redondo Beach, background on the right and King Harbor.

The skies and clouds were cooperative; the Pacific Ocean was deep blue, and it was warm and picturesque. What more could you ask for?
